How to Flirt Your Way Into a Relationship – 11 Tips For Flirting Fearlessly

Want to learn how to flirt but don’t know where to start? No problem. And lucky for you it doesn’t take much to begin mastering the art of flirting.

The first thing you should know is that flirting is a human mating ritual. More complex than just a lucky wink or well-placed smile, flirting is instinctual. Everyone does it, but not everyone does it well.

Secondly, you would do well to flirt with confidence. Always flirt with the mindset that this person WANTS you to talk to them. Keep this thought at the forefront of your mind by convincing yourself that this person wants nothing more than for you to approach them and strike up a flirtatious conversation.

And always keep failure out of your mind. This is the key to flirting fearlessly. And learning how to flirt fearlessly may even increase your chances of finding your soulmate.

So to help you improve your flirting game, here are ten tips scientifically proven to boost your bodacious flirtations:

1. Smile with your eyes and your lips. A great smile can be recognized from far away and is a clear indicator of interest when directed toward your target.

2. Keep it simple. Believe it or not, but a friendly “Hi” or “Hey” works much better than any cheesy pick up line.

3. Ask a question that requires more than a yes or no answer. Example: What do you think of the music?

4. Don’t break eye contact unless the other person directs your attention. Keeping eye contact shows you find the other person interesting, even magnetic.

5. Keep it fun. Don’t discuss heavy topics like politics or religion. This is not a debate. You want to see what you have in common not what you don’t.

6. Play with your hair, jewelry or clothing. Doing these things will subconsciously draw the other persons eyes to you and instinctively shows your interest. This is quite similar to when animals preen themselves to attract a mate’s attentions.

7. Be funny. If you aren’t exactly Adam Sandler don’t worry, just be yourself and keep it light. Laugh at your target’s jokes and comments. Just be yourself and keep on smiling. Try using comedian, Jerry Seinfeld’s, technique by finding the humor in everyday situations through witty observations.

8. Lean toward the person as they talk. It shows that you find what they are saying quite interesting. Doing this will in turn make them find you more interesting. Everyone loves thinking that his or her life is fascinating.

9. Touch the person lightly and quickly, never for too long. It will create sexual tension and it will also allow you to see if there is any chemistry between you both. Refrain from touching anything inappropriate, after all you just met.

10. Make the other person feel proud and confident. Bolster your target’s ego by making comments such as: “I never really thought of it that way” or “I like the way you think.”

11. Leave them wanting more. Always leave before you would really like to. Chances are they will be surprised you are leaving so soon, but this is the perfect chance to leave them with a good impression and keep them thinking about you later. Example: “This was fun, let me give you my number. You should definitely call or text me sometime.” Statements like this put the ball in the target’s court and they can call you or if they’re too shy they can send a text instead.

Don’t take chances in your endeavored romances. Take a sure-fire approach to flirting and use these ideas to improve your game and become an irresistible catch to the one you desire.

And remember; when learning how to flirt, always be yourself. Just trust your instincts and let things happen naturally. And most importantly, be confident. Because most of the time it’s not what you say that counts, but it’s HOW you say it that really matters.

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